Navigate restrictions by providing a Virtual Tour of your Childcare Centres to prospective families
In the current climate, offering parents a safe, contact-free way to view a Childcare Centre and see if it’s suitable for their children is an ideal solution to minimising travel and limiting exposure.
Asset Reports is equipped with Matterport 3D cameras to create high-definition, interactive virtual tours of properties, so your visitors can experience your rooms and facilities before they step through the door.
3D Virtual Tours allow parents and their children to view the facilities and see if they suit their needs.
Contact-free viewing
Can be viewed at any time of the day or night
Families can explore the facilities at their own pace
Inspire excitement in families
Build confidence and trust
Reduce any fears or anxiety in children
Matterport 3D Virtual Tour
Viewers can move through the property at their own pace for a self-guided tour, or watch a highlight reel. They can also see the property like never before with the ‘dollhouse’ and ‘overhead’ views, and mattertags can be used to highlight points of interest.
Floor Plans
Provided in .PDF and .JPG with your branding, can be used to update fire safety exits etc.
QR Code
Can be included in printed marketing materials to take viewers directly to the Virtual Tour from the camera on their smartphone.
High resolution images captured from Virtual Tours are available on request.
Aerial Imagery
Aerial images can help highlight entry/exit points, parking and proximity to amenities.
Asset Reports are an official reseller of Matterport Pro2 and Pro3 cameras through Asset 3D - buy or lease your own Matterport 3D Camera to capture Virtual Tours for Childcare and Day Care.